Thursday, May 28, 2009

At least 8 things to be grateful for and perfect self expression

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
- Helen Keller

I'm moving through this week with an astounding amount of grace and calmness. Tomorrow is my last day of work. I'm finally coming around to the fact that this is a good and exciting thing. I'm wise enough to know that I have to let go of those things that haven't served me in order to make room for the next phase. I'm ready to watch the scared little girl become the vibrant, strong, kick ass woman that she always wanted to be. I'm ready to let go of the fear of the unknown and let God work with me to show me the great things on the horizon.

I've been listening to Florence Schovel Shinn lately. She was an artist and metaphysics teacher in New York in the early part of the 20th century. Her work is really quite phenomenal. She talked about the idea of "perfect self expression" :

"There is for each man, perfect self expression. There is a place he is to fill and no one else can fill. Something that he is to do that no one else can do. It is his destiny."

I believe that there is indeed perfect self expression for all of us. Some of us have found it; some are still seeking. But it is there. We have to be patient and listen and be aware of the shifts and changes.

Today I find myself grateful for so many simple things:

A great trash pick in the parking lot of my office building. I found this yesterday. I already have a vision of what I want it to look like. I can't wait to post pictures of the finished face lift!

A warm slab of mushroom lasagna (recipe is over at my meatless year blog; check it out here)

A quiet late night dinner for Breen and me

Watching my daughter play softball

Cool grass

Blue skies and sunny afternoons

Kicking my feet up

Favorite books and time in the hammock


  1. A great list! I can't wait to see what you do with the shelf. :)

  2. what a wonderful list and I too can not wait to see the outcome of the shelf

    peace and hugs

  3. Can't go wrong with the Cat in the Hat!
    Sweet piece of furniture you found. Have fun with that project.

    Happy weekend. :)

    I forgot to leave you my email before for the interview thingy. If you are still doing it....

  4. Jane...
    I love this post. I love your confidence. You're a day away from unemployment and as solid as ever! You rule!
    And you take fabulous photos!
    P.S. LOVE your cabinet score!! I would've grabbed it too!

  5. I'm looking forward to hearing about the next phase of your life. It's going to be fabulous!

  6. You found that in the trash?? NO WAY! So awesome! I love trash and garage sale finds ;) I'm looking forward to making the mushroom lasagna, looks easy and tasty!! I can't wait to hear more about what the wonderful universe has in store for you! :)
